Thursday, October 13, 2011


Arctic Trucks International announced yesterday that Guinness World Records has officially recognized the new world record of the fastest overland journey to the South Pole. In December 2010 two Arctic Trucks vehicles crossed 2308km of the Antarctica High Plateau from Novolazarevskaya station (Novo) to the South Pole in 108 hours (4.5 days). The purpose-built AT Expedition vehicles, based around a Toyota Hilux 3.0 liter turbo diesel platform, traveled at an average speed of 21.4km/h to the South Pole with an average fuel efficiency of 2.2km/per liter, with only a single refueling stop on the way.
An unofficial improvement of the record itself was achieved at the return journey, which took only 3.5 days, averaging 27.5km/h. No comparable speed or fuel efficiency has ever been recorded for high plateau expeditions in Antarctica. Arctic Trucks built vehicles have now clocked over eighty thousand kilometers on the plateau, proving new benchmarks for speed, range, reliability and fuel efficiency. The expedition was organized by the Kazakhstan National Geographic Society (KNGS) and The Antarctica Company (TAC).
“This route to the South Pole is extremely challenging. Our vehicles are operating at altitudes up to almost 3500m, in ultra-low temperatures and in very difficult snow conditions. The vast distance is a challenge in itself, with up to 1500km between fuel depots. We are delighted to celebrate this new world record with the team, which also marks a growing recognition of the power of Arctic Trucks solutions for expedition use,” commented Emil Grimsson, Executive Chairman of Arctic Trucks.
For the season of 2011 are planned four further expeditions to the South Pole using Arctic Trucks vehicles, three starting from Novo and one from Patriot Hills.

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